2. Biblical Generosity

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

As we continue our series on stewardship we want to take some time to address an issue that seems to be at the core of stewardship. This issue is Biblical generosity. Although many have heard the saying that we have been blessed to be a blessing have we stopped to consider how high of a priority that God gives to this subject?

In this day and age when it seems the world is pushing us to only be concerned about ourselves we must be willing to look outside of our own cares and concerns to see the needs of those around us. Especially if those in need are brothers and sisters in Christ. My prayer for you today is that you would consider where in your life you can be more generous than ever before. Not just for the sake of being generous, but for the purpose of glorifying God.

-Pastor Nate


3. Biblical Prosperity


1. Biblical Stewardship