4. Can You Handle a Sword? - A Disciple is One Who Knows the Word

As we continue our series on being as disciple that is unashamed, we wanted to take some time to talk about the importance of the word of God in the life of a disciple. We must realize that the life of every disciple is a battle. Ephesians 6:12 makes it clear that this isn’t a regular battle against flesh and blood but a spiritual battle.  If we are to engage in this battle we need to be armed and ready.  

Hebrews 4:12 describes the word of God as a sword that is sharper than any sword. It is the type of spiritual weapon we need for the spiritual battle we are in. Not knowing how to handle the sword of the Lord makes us vulnerable to the attacks of sin and Satan. To be fully engaged in the war against sin we must know how to handle The Sword! I hope you are encouraged by this message to see your Bible in a new light and to be a disciple that knows the word.

-Pastor Nate


5. The Cost of Discipleship - A Disciple is One Who Knows the Cost


3. A Disciple is One Who Lives in Community with Other Believers