3. A City Awakened

Jonah 3:1-10

Today we'll continue our study in the book of Jonah. We saw in chapter 1 that God commissioned Jonah to go to the evil city of Nineveh, but Jonah ran away. In chapter 2 God sent a storm and a great fish to rescue Jonah from his disobedience. In today's text, chapter 3, we'll see that all along the real hero of this story is God. We will see glimpses of God’s extraordinary grace and mercy shown to this stubborn and rebellious prophet, Jonah. We will also see God's relentless pursuit of lost people, like the Ninevites, and the ultimate victory of His love.

So, do you find yourself in the place of Jonah? Are you resistant to acknowledging, confessing, and repenting of your sin? Do you find yourself wanting others to experience God’s wrath while you continue to experience God’s mercy and grace? God wants us to know that there is a need for repentance from our sin with the full assurance that God will relent when people repent. Can you see the gracious and merciful work of God who awakened a city with His Word?

-Pastor Terry



4. The Missional God


2. A Heartfelt Cry From the Depths