3. Unashamed in Our Workplace

Acts 4:23-33

Over the past two weeks God has been moving His people here at CrossBridge to Be Unashamed of the Gospel. Several have shared their testimonies of how they boldly shared the Gospel with their family and their neighbors. Praise God for those who are being obedient to God’s command. Last week we saw how Philip, in Acts 8, was obedient to take the gospel to the Ethiopian without any hesitation.  

We were challenged to invite a neighbor into our home with the specific purpose of sharing the gospel with them. We were challenged to be prepared when the opportunity presents itself to share the Gospel. I hope you had the opportunity to share Christ with someone this past week.

Today, in Acts 4:23-33, we’re going to be challenged to Be Unashamed of the Gospel in our Work Place. The believers in Acts 4 were being persecuted for their faith. However, that did not stop them from being unashamed of the Gospel. They were faithful and bold in their witness for Christ. We hear time and again that "religion" has no place in the workplace. So then, what is the believer to do? The question is...how can I Be Unashamed of the Gospel in my work place?

-Pastor Terry


4. Unashamed in Our Church


2. Unashamed in Our Neighborhood