1. A Call to Prayer

Luke 18:1-8

Today, we begin a two-part series on prayer. Jesus asked His disciples a question, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Our text in Luke 18  tells us that Jesus is speaking with his disciples and warning them that in the ordinary mundane things of life it is easy to lose our spiritual focus and direction in life. When we are surrounded with the threat of persecution, suffering, sinful temptation of this world, along with the drudgery of our ordinary life, we can become completely focused on the wrong things…the things of the world... and lose our focus, our faith and trust in God. 

It can be a daily battle to maintain our faith and Luke is warning us we must not allow circumstances to paralyze our faith in God.  How can we endure and remain faithful?  Let's look at the answer that Jesus gave His disciples.

-Pastor Terry


2. A Call to Devoting Yourself to Prayer