3. A Call to Prayer Even When God is Silent

Daniel 6

The silence of God was deafening. Where was God? Why, just a few months earlier you were so happy. Life was good and the family was doing great. You had a heart of gratitude and praise for God. 

Now you find yourself going through a crisis. Hard times are here and you feel a sense of desperation. It's as if all your efforts are in vain. You prayed but what did you find? A closed door and nothing but silence.  

Have you ever experienced the silence of God? You cried out to Him and there seemed to be no answer. Why does it sometimes seem as though God is present in our time of prosperity but so very absent in our time of trouble?

Daniel found himself in a very difficult situation and he, too, experienced the silence of God. When God is silent does that mean He is not at work in our lives? What do you do when God seems silent? Let's look at the life of Daniel today and see what God would have us learn from the Scriptures.

-Pastor Terry


2. A Call to Devoting Yourself to Prayer