3. Walking Dead?

Ephesians 2:1-10

Often times, we reminisce about "the good ol' days" where things were seemingly better. In the advertising business one of the most successful men was Hal Riney. Mr. Riney sold products by casting a vision of “the good ol’ days” a time when things were seemingly better.

In Ephesians 2, the Apostle Paul brings us right back to the truth of “the good ol’ days” and the way things really were. We were the "Walking Dead”, the zombies, who were feasting on the passions of our flesh. But God intervened with His mercy to give us a life in Christ.  "So that” as God's workmanship we would show forth good works and walk in them. These questions need to be answered: “Are you the walking dead?” or “Is your life an exhibit of the workmanship of Christ?"

-Pastor Terry


2. Arise and Go