6. Jude’s Doxology: An Encouragement to Perseverance

Jude 24-25 

Every believer seems to go through seasons where we are overwhelmed or discouraged in our walk with Christ.

After the last several weeks of walking through the book of Jude, it would be easy for us to be discouraged with all the work that needs to be done to contend for the faith and stand against the false prophets of the day.

Jude anticipates that the readers of his letter might feel the same way. So he ends with a powerful encouragement for us to continue to persevere in living for Christ. I pray that today’s sermon will encourage you to leave with a renewed passion to see God for who he really is and go back to your family, job, and wherever you may go with a fire to see Him glorified in and through your life. 

-Pastor Nate


5. How to Survive in the Ungodly World