A Prayer of One Afflicted

Psalm 102

How does one explain the senseless murders that took place recently in Roseburg, Oregon?  How does one comprehend or fathom what it is like as a believer to receive a phone call telling you that your son, your daughter, your spouse, or a dear friend was murdered because they were a “Christian”?  How do you respond?  Is it with anger toward God?  Is it with vengeance? 

Our text today is Psalm 102. This passage captures the psalmist’s distress, despair, and even tells us of his pain, groaning, and sleeplessness. Along with that is the taunting and ridicule of his enemies leaving him almost utterly without hope. So, how does the psalmist bear up under these afflictions?  Let’s look together at Psalm 102 to see what the psalmist is teaching us from his prayer of affliction.

-Pastor Terry


Unity, Humility, and the Christ-Follower


God is Faithful