7. God’s Gift of Righteousness in Jesus

Job 9:2; Romans 3:21-25 

As we continue our series on Who is Jesus?Our goal is for you is not only to know who Jesus is, His work and His person but for Him to be the focal point of your life. And that you would be so deeply in love with Jesus that you’ll have a deep desire to grow in His likeness and knowledge of Him.

Over the past 6 weeks, we have seen from God’s Word Who Jesus is. He’s God, He’s the Son of God, He’s the Sovereign God, He’s the eternal God, He’s God come into His creation in human form, He’s the Messiah, the Promised Redeemer, He is the Gospel, He’s Lord of Lords and King of Kings, He is our Hope, and He is our Righteousness.

Now it’s critically important for us to insist on Christ righteousness, not only because it’s clearly taught in the Scripture, but also because only someone who is righteous could bear the full penalty of all the sins of all those who would believe in Him. There’s not an individual who has ever lived that would have been capable of bearing that penalty outside of Jesus. So, if Jesus is not righteous, we have no salvation and ultimately no Christianity.

In book of Job, it begins by describing a man that is righteous and who is commended by God for his faith. Job, the man being described asked the most important question that any one could ever ask. In Job 9:2. Job asked, How can a man be right with God?That is the most compelling question that brings to light the importance of the righteousness of Christ. 

-Pastor Terry


8. Justification


6. The Evidence of Jesus’ Deity