2. When Trials Come - Part 2

Facing Suffering from the Inside, Looking Out: The Suffering Believer

Romans 8:26-39

Maybe you're here today and you're angry at God. Things haven't gone the way you wanted, planned, or thought. You may even be asking, "Why did God allow this to happen to me, or to my family and friends?" In today's text Paul is speaking to the believers at the church in Rome. As their pastor, he is addressing their present sufferings that they are experiencing. Daily sufferings such as: sickness, injury, natural disaster, financial loss, poverty, hunger, and death.

In our text, Paul is writing to give them a message of hope. He's teaching the believers that God's comfort is founded in His character. God wants to impart His character to us. And no true believer would want it to be any other way. Perhaps you are here this morning and you are suffering. We are encouraged to persevere life's difficulties and sufferings until the very end. The good news is that there is hope. Christ is our hope. Let's look together at Romans 8 and find the hope and encouragement God's Word has for us.

-Pastor Terry


3. When Trials Come - Part 3


1. When Trials Come