3. When Trials Come - Part 3

Walking with God from the Inside Going Out: The Rejoicing Sufferer

Romans 5:1-5

As a church we have all experienced suffering at some level. But one of the great tragedies today is that the American Church has lost the understanding of the biblical theology of suffering, one that centers on the glory, the goodness, and the sovereignty of God. When we go through suffering it's really not about the suffering. God has a purpose for our trials, our hurts, and our sufferings. That purpose is to refine us, test us, and grow us.

In today's text Paul is writing to give a message of hope in the midst of suffering. Paul understands how easy it is to lose heart and to despair when life is hard. But his encouragement to us is to rejoice! There is hope in the glory of God.

-Pastor Terry


2. When Trials Come - Part 2